Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Twas A Fortnight Before New Years

So I thought I would write a brief synopsis
of 2005 on Quantum Revolution.

We began with ...

Source energy and creating your life

- remember it was the quick note between the slings and arrows of outrageous romance and the kiss caravan of life. It was at this time that I wondered out loud -

What would you create if there was no such thing as money?

We moved on to -

Quantum revolutions and other wildly empowering thoughts

and then pondering why ...

"Why do you dream flat tires
When you dream flat tires?"
Joni Mitchell

You must remember this one ... it was one of my favorites -

Why DO we dream flat tires?

What would we say we were capable of if we were
our best friend?
The world is full of so many dream possibilities simultaneously -

Do we always choose the flattest?

Are we that afraid of stepping into the BEST of our own skin?

If the person in your head only allows you to be the most mediocre version of yourself, do you really want to stay friends with them?

How difficult is it to chase the dream
with the greatest potential?

That was April.

In May we travelled down the rabbit hole and thought ...

Life is a transformational travelogue.

Sometimes the greatest transformations take place from the most everyday occurences.

Sometimes all it takes is the time to sit still for a moment.

In June we were absent from the blogging community, but returned in July to speak about the Jungle of being invisible ...

One morning I awoke to find myself invisible to others? How did I pop out of existence? More importantly, where's the entrance to existence? How can I pop in and out of existence when it is my choosing?

These are the questions I have been asking myself of late.

... and then I popped out of existence until October and wondered about the words we use and the impressions they create ...

- Mountains of Leaves And Hot Apple Cider -

What kind of impressions are you creating today?

... and finally the thought worth waiting for...

"You have brains in your head.
You have feet in your shoes.
You can steer yourself
any direction you choose.
You're on your own.
And you know what you know.
And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go."

What are your thoughts? What are you thinking?

Have a Great New Years Eve and we'll talk more in 2006!!

Sophie Robertson

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Thoughts ... Thinking

"Problems can never be solved by using the same pattern of thought which created them." Albert Einstein

"Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul,
And sings the tune without the words,
And never stops at all."
Emily Dickinson

"Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is to not stop questioning." Albert Einstein

"Whether humanity will consciously follow the law of love, I do not know. But that need not disturb me. The law will work just as the law of gravitation works, whether we accept it or not. The person who discovered the law of love was a far greater scientist than any of our modern scientists. Only our explorations have not gone far enough and so it is not possible for everyone to see all its workings." Mohandas Gandhi

"Life in the true sense is percieving or thinking." Aristotle

... and finally the thought worth waiting for...

"You have brains in your head.
You have feet in your shoes.
You can steer yourself
any direction you choose.
You're on your own.
And you know what you know.
And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go."

What are your thoughts? What are you thinking?
-Sophie Robertson

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

How to Keep the Unwanted Out

Today I finally figured out how to keep unwanted spam comments from popping up on my blog. It was so easy, I just went into SETTINGS under COMMENTS and switched my selection to yes for a word verification. That means if you are commenting you have to type in some extra letters. If an automated computer is leaving a message, it's out of luck! Yeah!

If only every unwanted part of life was that easy!

-Sophie Robertson

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Sliced Strawberries And Fresh Cut Lawns

It's feeling more like Fall, and Summer has left. Words have such an impact on the senses - like the title - you can taste the strawberries, smell the lawn and feel the summer breeze. It made me think of the impact all words have, our everyday language. Sometimes it's a tone, a look, but it's the words that make the impression. Some impressions are warm and loving , others are cold and will cut you through your soul.

- Mountains of Leaves And Hot Apple Cider -

What kind of impressions are you creating today?

-Sophie Robertson

Monday, October 10, 2005

It's Mars, No Big Surprise!

Mars is at it again - and by again I mean that the fiery god is in retrograde
... appearing to move backwards
... giving us more of the same aggravation!
... being an annoyance!

The red demon is traveling through the sign of Taurus.
Taurus enjoys:
  • sensual pleasure
  • steadfastness
  • loyalty
  • strives for security.
It's an earth sign which gives it a great grounding - however ... you knew that was coming ... when provoked for a long time
the bull see's RED!

So what is the good news?

How can we utilize this energy?

Actually, it's fairly simple in theory ... isn't it always! Wherever you are being provoked take a good long look at the situation.

Have you been ignoring this situation
hoping that with patience it would resolve itself?

Guess what, you were wrong! Mars is there to take up arms and fight the good fight. Taurus will assist in keeping Mars focused in the good fight and not running amok.

Sometimes to change your situation in life you have to act. Yikes!

-Sophie Robertson

Living On The Edge

I think it might be time to check back in with our friend Mars and see what he's been conjuring on our behalf. The past week I've had the distinct feeling that metal swords are preparing to clash. It feels like my muscles are tensing for fight or flight, although there are no opponents in sight. Perhaps it's an inner fire slowly but insistently building energy.
This edge is most definitely a sword and very sharp. It's a battle at times just to remain upright - I just hope that no one challenges with their own clashing sword.

Does anyone else feel a growing inferno?

-Sophie Robertson

Sunday, October 09, 2005

The Invisible Voyage

This is a quick note of interest for all who may have caught the strange coincidence of my last post. Remember how I wrote of feeling invisible. As if I had popped out of existence.
I have great curiosity about the idea of time travel. Apparently I've been there, and done that ... without even being aware of it at the time. Okay I know I'm speaking in tongues so I'll get to the point. The last post says it was posted

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

when in fact it was

Thursday, October 6, 2005

so there you have it I have traveled back in time!

-Sophie Robertson

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

It's A Jungle Out Here!

You may have thought I was lost somewhere in the Jungles of the Andes, or traversing the slippery slopes of Valle Delle Meraviglie. But alas I simply slipped into the world of an invisible person. All are equally difficult, all have their extreme challenges and all call for super human commitment to get out alive. Being invisible however has no known benefit that I can determine, as of yet. It isn't the kind of invisible that lets you do great things unnoticed, like slip into a concert for free. It's the kind of invisible where people constantly want to walk on the piece of sidewalk that you've chosen ... or worse, car and driver are headed straight at you and there is no notion to brake! Yikes, it can be frightening! This was not a chosen destination for traveling, it just sort of happened. One morning I awoke to find myself invisible to others? How did I pop out of existence? More importantly, where's the entrance to existence? How can I pop in and out of existence when it is my choosing?

These are the questions I have been asking myself of late.

-Sophie Robertson

Friday, May 20, 2005

A Thought on Time

I was traveling through my world, gazing at the big sky surrounding me in it's clear blue. I reached towards the blue. As I did so I was able to reach through with my hands. I hoisted the rest of my body, half in the world I knew and half in the new space, through the blue. As the tips of my toes left the old familiar world behind it formed a bouncing ball. Simultaneously the new space opened up to be as large as what I believed my old world had been.

This is a true story that happened in a meditative trance. It got me to thinking ...

The concept of time can and is confusing. We believe it moves forward in a linear fashion, and therefore theoretically should be accessed backwards in the same way. I think that the problem is we forget that linear isn't just horizontal. It can be vertical. Often when peoples lives begin to 'feel' like they're in the groove ... or as some call it "in the flow" ... it's actually a vertical movement upwards. The problem with backwards is we aren't very good at that skill. Try walking around a room quickly. Now try walking around the same room backwards quickly. Even when we drive we never back up for long distances. If time can move vertically, perhaps when we move backwards it's too difficult to find a groove to stay in? Well, that's just my thought.

-Sophie Robertson

Saturday, May 14, 2005

How To Survive Uranus Conjunct Mars

The energy the past few weeks has been erratic and aggressive for so many that I thought
- What's up Mars?

Sure enough when I checked transiting Uranus and Mars are conjunct

... in other words they are sharing the same space
... this can be quite a challenge for some of us mere mortals
... it's like a full moon times 1000!

So where and how is this coming out in individual lives? Well I'm about to tell you, and hopefully you can ,if not relax, at least be able to say "oh that's just that crazy Uranus Mars conjunction again".

As you may be aware your chart is made up with every planet, expressed in what are called houses.

The good part of Mars is it gives us energy, grit and a well defined backbone in life. The not-so-good part of Mars is that it can give us an excess of energy causing bumps, bruises or even more serious accidents, an overly aggressive attitude, leap before we look, anger, frustration and even depression. It's expression is dependent on how it's effecting your birthchart and how willing you are to be aware and perhaps adjust how you're using your energy.

The good part of Uranus is it gives us that spark inside that is unique only to us. It's that part of us that screams
"I just have to be ME"

The not-so good part of Uranus is sometimes we just want to fit in with the status quo. Uranus will say
"I have plans for you"

and the more we dig our heels in the more Uranus pulls the rug from under our feet. I have to tell you

-"It's a FUTILE battle"-

Uranus is going to win, you are going to be all that you can be, NO exceptions!

So what am I suggesting? - Take the good of both and go for it! You have to anyway ...unless of course you enjoy bumps, bruises and carpets flying out from under your feet. So if you have been dealing with aggression, anger, depression feeling like the rug is being pulled up you might want to do something about that and change for the better.

-Sophie Robertson

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Everyday Illusions

As I was driving this morning I was thinking about masks. Not about mask making, but the masks people wear. Whether it's groovy sunglasses, make-up, or even the car we drive.

What happens if we strip away the mask?

Although we wear masks all the time we don't necessarily consciously have an intent.

What happens if we intentionally create our mask?

Is who we are indicative by our make-up, clothes and possessions?

-Sophie Robertson

Monday, May 02, 2005


When we think of life transformations we believe it is always instigated by something forceful and greater than ourselves. However, life is continually transforming us.
Life is a tranformational travelogue.

Sometimes the greatest transformations take place from the most everyday occurences.

Sometimes all it takes is the time to sit still for a moment.


Sunday, May 01, 2005

Adventures Down The Rabbit Hole - So Far

“I don’t understand you,” said Alice. “It’s dreadfully confusing!”
“That’s the effect of living backwards,” the Queen said kindly: “it always makes one a little giddy at first—”
“Living backwards!” Alice repeated in great astonishment. “I never heard of such a thing!”
“—but there’s one great advantage in it, that one’s memory works both ways.”
“I’m sure mine only works one way,” Alice remarked. “I can’t remember things before they happen.”
“It’s a poor sort of memory that only works backwards,” the Queen remarked.
—Lewis Carroll,
Through the Looking-Glass

In my travels so far I tapped into events happening, I think past, present and future ... you tell me! Here's a somewhat edited version of events so far:

Oh Sophie!!!!I just heard Louise Arbor interviewed and they asked her if she felt she had succeeded in making a difference in her life and she answered that she gaged her success by whethere she had made a difference in relation to the opportunities presented to her and she was very thankful for the opportunities she had been given.I heard this and thought of you. My thought was, bless ya for not waiting to be presented with anything. You just forge ahead.Thanks for making me THINK!!!!crystal:)

To Crystal:
I was peeing, and thinking WHAT AM I DOING? (not about the peeing) Why am I doing the blog? What is this whole thing about? Am I crazy ... am I creating a split in my personnality ... am I really just avoiding my life and that it hasn't turned out the way I thought it would? And then I came down stairs and checked the gmail and read your comment, thanks I needed that!
So now that I read all sorts of incredible quantum stuff this morning I'm off to a bookstore to try and find "The Yoga of Time Travel" by Fred Alan Wolf. I put a link on Quantum Revolution to his site if you want to get the brain juices bubbling.
6 days to go
xxx miss ya
*Hey maybe we can figure out time travel, that would cut down on airplane costs!
**Are you laughing??? But I'm serious!

To Crystal:
decided to meditate, it was so amazing I was in the middle of the ocean going up and down with the waves
then there was lightcoming through the top of my head
I started to think of the houses, our houses
and then the name of your organization HIT me
the idea behind it is like landscape, taking care of the gardens - but the gardens are childhood
think about it

To Sophie:
YOU ARE CREEPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've been emailing this woman about desiging landscapes for
children...... I've recently joined this new forum and it's been the
hot topic of discussion since I got here.
I will forward some it to you.
I'm creeped out!!!

To Crystal:
HA! COOOOOL! That is shiver-down-the-spine worthy! You know I'm going to have to try that again ... it is almost time travel - psyche travel. Definitely coool!

"Further, consider that having a two-way memory could lead, as the queen suggests, to distinct advantages. For example, it might help you deal with synchronicities and experience of déjà vu, avoid health problems, make significant predictions about your life, and offer many other benefits, as may become clear as this book unfolds."
- Fred Alan Wolf PhD
The Yoga of Time Travel: How The Mind Can defeat Time

Happy travels everyone,
-Sophie Robertson

Saturday, April 30, 2005

Have Imagination Can Travel

I've been surfing, tons lately, there's so much to absorb.
I am blown away by the connections that are becoming more obvious and frequent. I guess when it comes to quantum mechanics or relativity and the question posed is -

"how far down the rabbit hole do you want to go?"

my reply would be -

"it's hunting season, and I'm hunting wabbits"
- good old Elmor Fudd!

I've been reading interviews with Fred Alan Wolf and I love how he manages to make quantum anything seem so simple. Maybe that's the quantum truth - it's all in the simplicity.

So if you want to really get a brain wave read his interview on "What Dreams Are Made Of" it's 6 pdf pages long and will change you. There's a link under cool places.

We'll talk more ...

-Sophie Robertson

Thursday, April 28, 2005

blahs! and other feelings of insignificance ...

I'm feeling all alone out here! There is

a comment box at the bottom of every

posting ... that's where anyone could

write their thoughts. Conversations

are way more fun when it's with more

than one person! also writing blogs

can be a pain when the composer

doesn't want to co-operate

This is a quote from the blogger site.

"The blogging experience is about not only putting your thoughts on the web, but hearing back from and connecting with other like-minded folks.
Blogger Comments let readers of your site from all over the world give feedback on what you share on your blog. You can choose whether or not you want to allow comments on a post-by-post basis (and you can delete anything you don't like)."

Sunday, April 17, 2005


I was traveling


that was having difficulty staying on the tracks.

It was loud
with metal
scraping against metal.

There was no actual train
it was more like a rectangular tunnel
a wall that we leaned against.

We were informed
that because the train was not able to stay on the tracks
we would have to get off.

We were in a desert
all sand and brush.

Walking up a small sand dune
an oasis appeared before us.
By the entrance
lay a single rose
I bent down to pick it up.

As I lifted the rose
tiny thorns appeared all over the stem
and I had to drop it back on the sand.

We began strolling along the pathway
in the oasis
it seemed to be some kind of zoo.
We thought of finding a monkey
that was really our friend in disguise.

Appearing above us was a
everything else seemed as if it was washed in grey

I started to sing

Somewhere over the rainbow"

and as I did

my friends saw the rainbow
and joined in

" Somewhere over the rainbow"

but try as we might

and it became a very loud song
the other people in the zoo couldn't see the rainbow
or hear us sing
and their colour faded to grey.

-Sophie Robertson

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

"Why do you dream flat tires?" - Joni

I couldn't shake those lyrics - or at least that sentence.
It got me to thinking why it is we put ourselves down,
keep ourselves at a distance from our greatest potential.

It really became haunting ...
Why DO we dream flat tires?

What would we say we were capable of if we were
our best friend?
The world is full of so many dream possibilities simultaneously -

Do we always choose the flattest?

Are we that afraid of stepping into the BEST of our own skin?

If the person in your head only allows you to be the most mediocre version of yourself, do you really want to stay friends with them?

How difficult is it to chase the dream
with the greatest potential?

- I guess I'll find out!
-Sophie Robertson

Monday, April 11, 2005

Living a Life Full of Love and Passion

Today has started not feeling quite in the groove. It has me reading Joni Mitchell lyrics. Perhaps it should be a day to reflect, but I so want to throw the shackles of my old self off like the long awaited summer sun. The world isn't set up the way I would have set it up, if anyone had thought to ask. I wouldn't have life conducted by bureaucrats! There would be a world filled with passion, compassion, love and a great deal of magic. My thought is best articulated in this quote -

"Why do you dream flat tires
When you dream flat tires?"

Joni Mitchell

There is nothing stopping me myself from having that life full of love and passion.
I've been blessed with an abundance of creative people poured into my life.

I just wish the whole world could see the colour of the sky in my world.
Sophie Robertson

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Quantum revolutions and other wildly empowering thoughts

Empowerment is incredible the way it weaves through our lives, sparking others, giving a real but fleeting sense of our omnipotence. The more you give it away to others the more they give it back - it's the perfect merry-go-round!

My life has entered an incredible shift where possibilities abound. I'm unsure exactly when or what created the shift but it came when it was most needed and appreciated. I entered this world, the world of this shift, at a point of despair. Now I dance around in clouds of all things possible. The more I allow myself to enter this world the wilder and fascinating it becomes - and then I continue with vigour and wonder. I am in such awe!

I was wondering what kind of stories are out there from people being and getting empowerment?

-Sophie Robertson

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Source energy and creating your life

Just a quick note while traveling between the slings and arrows of outrageous romance and the kiss caravan of life. I have noticed an ever growing interest of people who are trying to connect to the source energy to create their lives. At first I thought that was fabulous, but as I read peoples questions on the forums I began to wonder if the obsession with money is their only driving force?

When you can create any dream in the world is being a millionaire really the extent of your imagination and creativity?

What would you create if there was no such thing as money?

People with money don't dream about making money, they dream about creating, and in doing so they create such beautiful dreams that we all share. Money is the bi-product NOT the dream - or conscious thought.

Did you know that everybody you need to know is a maximum of 6 people away?

Did you know that 150 is the 'magic' number of people that you can share a meaningful relationship?

Did you know that means that every connection to your dream to come into fruition is so close at hand - when are you going to just reach out and take hold?

What are your dreams?
Lets make them materialize!

- Sophie Robertson